Dec 6, 20211 min

Wait, you really mean it???

A few days ago, while going through my social media feed, I read a post that was a little scary. It was a question - 'Do you believe in soulmates?' and the answer was 'I don't even believe in friends'.

I laughed it off in the beginning, but it bothered me after a while.

We, as a race has become so cynical that we don't have trust in anything/anyone whatsoever.

I remember the days as a kid when I won a prize for school competitions. I used to get so overwhelmed with joy that it used to keep me awake at night.

But now, things have changed. If someone appreciates me for work, I start guessing, 'They really mean it?', 'Are they messing with me', 'I think more work is on the way'. When the boss says, 'Hey, Great work!', rather than being happy we are scared thinking more work is on the way. When your partner appreciates your attire, you start the guessing game.

We have come to a point where positive feedback is considered unlikely no matter the effort.

What is it that we lost as we grew up I wonder?

Is it trust in others or ourselves? Are we not confident in our abilities or are we not sure about others' intentions?

I guess we should start believing and patting each other's back more often.

If you have a similar story to tell, do let me know.

Until next time...