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Adieu 2020, one hell of a year


2020... One hell of a year ain't it?

The year started with a lot of uncertainty, in no time tension built up and it took only a few months for the pandemic to take full control of our lives. Every human being - rich and poor, powerful and weak, young and old had their plans upside down. Many breathed their last during the year, many lost their livelihoods, companies had to be shut, governments became helpless, our prayers weren't answered, our hopes lost.

Above everything, it was the distance which was the most bothersome.

Yes, the pandemic distanced us from everyone and everything. As if we had to be distanced physically as well.

We were scared, we were desperate, we rebelled but all in vain.

We wanted to hang out in the malls but were locked in our homes

We wanted to celebrate birthdays in clubs but spent them with the family

We wanted to eat out in restaurants but tried our hand at cooking

We never had time to pursue our interests but got the time to do it finally

We were never happy with what we had but learnt to be content with what at hand

We couldn't bother the Gods for comfort but found solace from each other

2020 was a rock bottom year, to say the least. Many a time, humanity has come out stronger and better from wars, calamities and epidemics. It is funny I feel this was the scheme of Nature to bring the realization about our priorities.

This pandemic taught us we can be vulnerable but strong and how the most unpredictable turn of events can be humbling. We are bidding goodbye to this year with more revelations than regrets.

Now tell me, was 2020 a bad year after all???


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