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Spending lives in profound curiosity

As kids learn the first few words; they will start questioning you on anything and everything and you will be gasping for breath answering them. A bunch of further questions lined up for you by the time you answered the first. Or if your answers are not convincing enough, they will not leave you till they get a satisfying answer.

My grandmother is like a one-year-old, curious and stubborn. She often amazes everyone with her extreme, at times annoying curiosity. Her inquisitiveness has earned her quite a reputation. Very often she enquires about things which are, how do I put it? Least relevant to her life. As tradition goes, after attaining an age-appropriate enough to be called old age, one is expected to be indulged in prayers and go about minding one’s own business. However, my grandmother doesn’t fit into these criteria.

There are the times when you feel whatever you say is not going to make a difference. She will have umpteen questions about almost anything under the sun. Mind you during any such instance, if you even try to blurt some unconvincing reply, you will be caught red-handed. Due to her forgetfulness, many a time one has to answer the same questions. Obviously, one will get bored or annoyed after some time. Even if you show a cold attitude towards her repetitive doubts and clarifications, she would not leave till she is satisfied.

In spite of her annoying curiosity one doesn’t fail to notice she is a no-nonsense lady. She is quite independent, courageous and leads her life according to her rules. She will be hustling round the clock doing prayers, gardening, cooking, etc. and you will not find her sitting idle even for a second.

She is an eternal seeker, well-read, knows what is right and wrong, and most importantly not at all ashamed to admit her ignorance and makes every effort to get to the depth of matters. No matter how old she is, she never killed the curious child in her.

Through her way of life, she is making the point very clear - One’s age doesn’t determine what you can and cannot. Neither should you allow yourself to compartmentalize your life based on your age.

Just imagine if we could spend our lives in such profound curiosity. I wish I had the trait of my grandma.


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